Loyola Media Madurai, the Province’s online media centre, operating from Loyola Technical Institute (LTI), Madurai, came out with infotainment for the soul, during the COVID-19 crisis in the form of 23 three-to-four minute videos. These YouTube channel videos uploaded by Loyola Media Madurai @ LTI Gnanaolivapuram featured Lenten seasonal reflections that educated and entertained the public while creating awareness on the socio cultural and psychological impacts of Corona on our daily life, particularly, the family life.
Uploads continue even after Easter of motivational videos for youth and children helping them to put their lives back on track. Also based at LTI, JESCCO (Jesuit Centre for Counseling) has been giving online counseling through government-registered helpline by two Jesuit Counselors helping individuals to care for their families and cope with the pitiable conditions they are placed in. The LTI Jesuit community also extended help to needy families in the neighbourhood with food provisions during this crisis situation.