COVID-19 isn't gone yet...

but our 244 online initiatives have grown into successful independent projects and so many new have been established following the example. We're unable to track all of them, so we've decided to turn this page into an archive and invite you to check the updated options at the local Jesuits' sites.
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Celebrating the Word of God together online: A guide

This initiative comes from CAN - Canada
This simple model is meant to help Catholics and others who cannot assemble in person to gather using technology.

The Jesuits of Canada would like to offer this simple method for praying together online with the Word of God. Though many dioceses have cancelled the Sunday Eucharist to help civil authorities slow the transmission of the coronavirus, the Church is first and foremost the people of God gathered together as the Body of Christ. This simple model is meant to help Catholics and other Christians who cannot assemble in person to gather together using the various means of teleconferencing and video communications.

We know this model will not work for everyone, though we have tried to keep things as simple as possible technologically-speaking. We hope it will help those who are comfortable with online communications tools to have an experience of Christian community while we hunger together for the Eucharist.

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